Where Buy Sale Sony Cyber-shot WX100 High Zoom CMOS Sensor Camera - White (18.2MP, 10x Optical Zoom) 2.7 inch LCD UK Cheap Deals
Buy Sale Sony Cyber-shot WX100 High Zoom CMOS Sensor Camera - White (18.2MP, 10x Optical Zoom) 2.7 inch LCD UK Cheaper than Walmart, BestBuys Deals and Discount Prices Guarantee Cheap Sony Cyber-shot WX100 High Zoom CMOS Sensor Camera - White (18.2MP, 10x Optical Zoom) 2.7 inch LCD When Release and Arrive In Stock with Free Shipping Offer.
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List Price : £274.94
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List Price : £274.94
*** Prices will Change and Update Every Hours. Compare Prices Now.
Product Description
Sony Cybershot DSCWX100 Digital camera 3D compact 182 Mpix 10 x optical zoom white DSCWX100WCEH Cameras Digital Cameras
- 18.2 megapixels Exmor R, 10x optical zoom, AVCHD Full HD, 3D, 6.7cm LCD, Superior AUTO
- Super slim with high 10x optical zoom
- Blur-free HD movies and stills, even when walking
- Beautifully clear, detailed images in low light
Find Cheap Sony Cyber-shot WX100 High Zoom CMOS Sensor Camera - White (18.2MP, 10x Optical Zoom) 2.7 inch LCD UK Low Prices Sale
Sony Cyber-shot WX100 High Zoom CMOS Sensor Camera - White (18.2MP, 10x Optical Zoom) 2.7 inch LCD Reviews
32 of 35 people found the following review helpful This review is from: Sony Cyber-shot WX100 High Zoom CMOS Sensor Camera - Black (18.2MP, 10x Optical Zoom) 2.7 inch LCD (Electronics) Hugely surprised aboutt he quality of this camera, having just got it about 3 days ago. Have taken shots in the day, in rooms, in the sun (yes it finally appeared this week!) and shots from last night eating dinner till dusk. All the pictures are of a very high quality, and the low lights shots are, as the title says, ridiculously good. I've never seen such good night shots, and with no flash and very very little light, the wizardry inside this baby makes everything crystal clear. The size if great - fits in a cigareete packet so I heard, and low-and-behold it actually does.The one thing I was really worried about from 'critic reviews' was the screen, apprently too small and crappy in different light conditions... well as a real user of this in plenty of conditions and the screen is great. I literally don't know what they are on about. I was trying to figure out if to go to the 100 or 150 (which has a bigger screen), but having checked them both out in a sony store I... Read more 24 of 27 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Sony Cyber-shot WX100 High Zoom CMOS Sensor Camera - Black (18.2MP, 10x Optical Zoom) 2.7 inch LCD (Electronics) Customer review from the Amazon Vine™ Programme ( What's this?) Customer Video Review Length:: 9:55 MinsHaving owned the Sony DSCHX9VB which is part of the older series released by Sony, I was more than keen on getting my hands on this new model which whilst doesn't offer as much zoom, does offer more mega-pixels and features. This model is extremely small, it's just a little bit bigger than the palm of my hand and is very light in weight. Before I go into any more detail here are a few things it comes with and what you will need: In the box: Camera | AC adapter | USB to mini USB | Battery | Wrist strap | Manual. Things you NEED: Transcend 16GB SDHC Class 10 Memory Card (You can choose a different brand/memory... Read more 9 of 10 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Sony Cyber-shot WX100 High Zoom CMOS Sensor Camera - Black (18.2MP, 10x Optical Zoom) 2.7 inch LCD (Electronics) Customer review from the Amazon Vine™ Programme ( What's this?) If you're looking for a very small and lightweight point and shoot camera this new Sony model may well be for you.I'm probably being a little unfair in calling it point and shoot. It has an impressive range of features, probably the most significant of which is a 10 times optical zoom lens. Sony have achieved a feat of engineering to build in to a thin camera a zoom lens that almost magically extends from the camera body. Sony claim that the camera is the lightest and thinnest 10x zoom available on the market. Other features, all accessible via a menu system that serves as the digital view finder on the back of the camera, are fairly intuitive although you'll need to be a keen photographer to both understand and appreciate some of the options. But a built in manual is included with the camera which will help many. In essence both aperture and exposure time can be set manually giving you complete flexibility. For those less familiar with the more technical... Read more |
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